Oaxaca: Hospital de Tuxtepec detecta un probable caso de viruela símica

OAXACA, Oax. (apro).- A 27-year-old patient is currently isolated and under clinical observation at the General Hospital of San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec, part of the IMSS-Bienestar Health Services, due to symptoms indicative of a probable case of Mpox (monkeypox). The suspected case has been sent to the Institute for Diagnosis and Epidemiological Reference (Indre) Dr. “Manuel Martínez Báez” in Mexico City for confirmation or exclusion of the monkeypox diagnosis, and if positive, to identify the variant. For the moment, the young man, who resides in San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec, is reported to be stable and has no history of international travel.
The Health Services of Oaxaca indicate that since the onset of the Mpox outbreak in the state on July 25, 2022, there have been a total of 18 confirmed cases by the end of 2023; six of these cases correspond to 2023, while 12 are from 2022, with zero deaths associated with this disease.
In this regard, actions for epidemiological surveillance, clinical management, diagnostics, and preventive measures are being coordinated to control and prevent potential transmission of this disease, which is characterized as low severity and low lethality.
It is important to note that this pathology is transmitted through direct contact with the secretions of an infected person via mucous membranes such as the eyes, throat, and anus, or through blood, bodily fluids, contaminated clothing, skin lesions, respiratory droplets, and mainly through sexual interactions, particularly among men who have sex with men. The illness typically lasts an average of 21 days.
Symptoms include: headache, back or muscle pain; fever of 38 degrees Celsius or higher; skin rash; and swollen or painful lymph nodes. Health officials emphasized the importance of preventing direct physical contact with sick individuals or those suspected of having the disease, who should remain isolated while symptoms are present.